Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Trip To Elizabethtown

I got some catching up to do seeing as the summer is more than half way over. Figured I would show a few pics from the beginning of summer when we went to go visit the Rebilas family in KY. Not too many represented...I wish I could say it was because I just forgot to take pictures. It was more like I was too miserable to take pictures. If you remember from an earlier post, the pink eye bug had hit our household (at least the women folk) HARD! I would have post phoned our trip but I thought my pink eye was starting to go away with the left over drops I had from Claire...or of the two. Sadly, it got much, much worse. I even ended up going to Becky's doctor and got a stronger prescription of drops.

We were planning on staying through Wed. but ended up leaving Tuesday when Claire started getting her 3rd round of pink eye. It was enough for me to be crazy about handwashing & disinfecting everything I touched. There was no way I could do that with Claire. But before we headed home, we went to the Louisville zoo. I think it was a record for heat that day, of course. But the kids and the moms still had fun! Here we are at Wendy's for dinner before we drove home to Ohio. (**with the fun memory of me throwing my keys in the trash and an employee fishing them out for me. I was going to do the dirty work, but he insisted. I thought, "how nice of him." Then thought how amusing it was that he then asked me to mention the whole incident to his boss right then and there. I waited while he retrieved her and told her "this man needs a raise" and explained what had happened - although I did leave out the part about him asking me to praise him in front of her). =) We discovered this little message...although Drew was not the author of it...
Ethan was! What a sweet boy!

Claire and Sammy had quite a little connection going on. It was cute to watch. Sammy just looked at me funny when I told her to "have her home by 8:30."