Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Proper Way To Eat Spaghetti

When I married Dan, I remember asking him one day, if he could choose any meal in the world, what would it be and I was going to make it. To my surprise (and delight), he picked spaghetti. What wife can't make that favorite meal? All that to say, we have spaghetti quite often. There are many methods of eating this noodley delight (is noodley a word?...proabably not, but I'm known for making up words anyhow). There's the stab and scoop method, the twirl around the fork method, the grab a big bite and just chomp off the part that fits in your mouth method, and perhaps the most famous, the slurp and slide method. Well, let me introduce you to the "Claire method"'s quite entertaining (and messy). (Forgive the big burp in the background noise).

1 comment:

Jill said...

The spaghetti eating is super sweet. The burp not so much.