Friday, July 24, 2009

Playdate with Maggie

Wednesday morning, the kids and I headed over to the Bixler home for a playdate with Maggie. Maggie and her mommy came to our house back in the winter after I had broken my leg, but this was our first time over to their house. Our schedules have been hard to work around at times, but all the kids seemed to have a lot of fun, so we will be making it happen again!!! Claire and Maggie are a year apart, but they had fun hanging out together (and sharing snacks). And Jake was plenty happy to get to play on a Wii!
New friends!
Maggie reading!
This picture makes me laugh. Claire was having fun playing peek-a-boo under the tent, but her legs were a slight giveaway.
Lydia, the photographer.
Other people's toys are the best toys!

This is Maggie with her mommy, Whitney. (Sorry, Whitney, but I love this picture). I love the look of pure love in Maggie's eyes, admiring her mama. Most of you who I know read this have already been praying for little Maggie. She has been one sick, little girl, battling cancer, at such a young age. What she has had to endure is unbelievable; my heart has ached many a time for her and her parents. Yet, she has been blessed with two parents who love her immensely and her are dedicated to her recovery. The challenges this family has faced have been great, huge, in fact. I have only known Whitney for a short time (about half a year), but if I could put a face on how I feel about her, it would look closely similar to Maggie's sweet, little face above. I have such admiration for her and Andy. I am amazed at their strength, even in the darkest hours. They have been an advocate for their daughter, putting her needs and comforts first and foremost. I am so thankful for the healing so far that has taken place in Maggie's body, despite the horrific journey it has taken to get there. Please keep praying for beautiful, little Maggie, and her parents. I know they would appreciate it.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Fun to see how you spent your day with Maggie.
Hope you are feeling okay, Gwen!