Friday, September 24, 2010

So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

Sadly, the beginning of September brought with it the time we had to say goodbye to some dear friends. The Rebilas Family up and moved to Kentucky...go figure, right? Seriously, we are thrilled for this new transition in their lives, but i gotta be honest, I miss em'.

The beginning of our friendship started out in the not-so-typical way. i believe it was God orchestrated and a result of modern technology. Our paths were not likely to cross...

You see, back in 2003, there was this young mom who had a baby question. She decided to go on American Baby to do some research. While on that site, she stumbled upon a message board. She had never before communicated on one of these and it was intimidating at first. However, she found herself drawn to these groups of women who were going through the trenches of spit up and diapering right along with her. She found herself visiting the boards quite often. As time passed, a number of these women who were part of a national group found out that they lived fairly close to each other in Ohio. it was decided that a playdate was in order. i cannot even say that we were graduating to the next step of friendship. This was more like a "blind date" on the friendship level.

So, i packed up the diaper bag, threw a then, almost 2 year old Jake and a 5 or 6 month old Lydia, into the van and we made our way to Centerville. i remember Dan half way wondering what if the whole thing was a scam or something. And I recall bringing up a woman's intuition and if i got there and felt something was not right, I'd book it out of there. But as soon as we pulled into the apartment parking space, there was this girl named Becky, matching the description she had told me, waving at me. And the rest is history. We became friends quickly and that friendship blossomed. Over the last 7 years, we have been able to laugh together; comfort each other; pray, pray, pray for one another. I've had the privilege of sharing in her joy as her husband came to Christ and getting to fellowship together with them at church. And in those 7 years, we both welcomed new members into our families. Of course, she had to outdo me with the twins and a puppy. We had many a late night conversation at Tim Horton's that crept into the wee hours of the morning, as well as many a game of Phase 10 while we chatted.

God blessed me with an amazing friend. And just because we are separated by more miles now, I know our friendship will continue. In fact, I'm already planning a trip for November! So, thank you God and thank you, American Baby. I cannot even remember my question now, but a blessing was waiting for me that day I clicked on your link.

Drew and Lydia at her third b-day.
Becky holding a brand new Claire Bear in the hospital.
Drew at VBS...what a cute shepherd.

Meeting Henry for the first time.

Playdates at the park.

Drew and Lid are just one day apart and Becky claims i stole Lydia from her. Lydia is so much the girly-girl that Becky is and i am not. Still, I've had to keep careful watch so that Ms. Becky did not "steal her back."
Although, she probably would steal this little girl, too.
These were taken on our last play date with them at their house. This was a squirrley group, so this was the best i could do.

Gotta love kid's taking pictures....i love you, my friend.

1 comment:

Rebecca Rebilas said...

I love you to my friend! You are one of my very best friends and I miss you so much!! It isn't the same not seeing you every Wednesday night and Sunday morning... I mean, I just got ya in Journey too! (Ok, maybe your sis had something to do with it too...)

You have been such an awesome friend. You are who I want to talk to when something fantastic, sad, funny, or devastating happens. I trust you more than anyone and love all of our great talks. Three hours isn't that much and I hope to see you soon.
