Saturday, August 21, 2010

Uncle Gwen

When Dan and I were dating, i quickly grew to love his family, of which included my soon-to-be nephew, Sam. Sam didn't have any aunts...just uncles. Once Dan and I were married, I was thrilled to become an instant aunt. Only Sam decided to lovingly refer to me as Uncle Gwen. The name didn't stick and i am called "Aunt Gwen" by my now 5 nephews and 1 niece. Anyhow, all that to say i am super, duper excited to be an uncle again.

Congratulations to my sister, Sarah Beth and her hubby, Matthew. Can't wait to meet my new nephew or niece this spring. Let me just say, he or she will be blessed to have these two as parents. And look at how much fun they are gonna have. Love you guys and praying for you.

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