Thursday, November 11, 2010

Random Thursday Thoughts

*I have been making it a priority to get back to the gym. Last week, I went 2 days. Today marked the 3rd day I've gone this week. I know it is because I am just starting back up, but man, it has been wiping me out. And that's with me even trying to start slowly. I have some personal goals which seem pretty "far out there." But, I keep reminding myself that progress is made inch by inch, pound by pound. Just to give myself a little pat on the back...I have not touched the candy stash since the day after trick or treat night. I think I had 5 treats and that was it. Now if I could only break the coffee craving...

*The other day as I grabbed the last couple of eggs from the carton, my eyes did a double take. For this is what I was pleasantly surprised to see...

Pretty interesting place to discover a verse of Scripture!
*I really enjoy writing. I have a few book ideas in my head, but the thought of actually dedicating time to try write them seems overwhelming. I find this to be true of myself...that I doubt myself before I even try. I really don't like that about myself. I need a boost of confidence, I suppose. That, and a quiet place to think; now there's the real challenge.
*One topic that I could write about...the things you experience and the words that come out of your mouth that could only be true of a parent. Here are a few recent ones...
"I just don't have much sympathy for you. Bobby pins don't belong on people's lips."
"Find another job then...I don't want snot all over my dishes." (After Jake was complaining of having to keep washing his hands while doing the dishes because of a runny nose).
You know your a parent when...
-you drop your daughter off at preschool, turn the car back on, and start singing along with Elmo. It takes you about a minute before you realize you are alone in the car and can stop torturing yourself and turn on some 'real music.'
- your laptop has a Cinderella sticker planted smack dab on the front of it (This was true of my friend, Tess).
I would love to hear some of your "you know your a parent" moments...whether from a few days ago or years ago. Go ahead and post a comment to share and help me be encouraged that I'm not alone...that other people's kids cut their lips with bobby pins, too.


Jill said...

Why are you putting those dishes in the bathroom? (this or things like it said frequently to one little absent-minded boy)

Gwen Ernst said...

That made me smile, Jill. I am guessing which boy did that...wonder if I'm right.

Jill said...

oh, Gwen, I have more to say...

First, I love these random posts

2nd, I've seen egg cartons with a verse on them before. I think it was the same verse. It'd be neat to have a different one each week. Good morning reminder during breakfast preparations.

3rd, I love the story about you singing to Elmo alone in the car. I believe I've done that many times. Now I find myself rocking out to something one of the boys (or Mark) put in the player and then realize I'm alone and can just have silence if I want.

Want to come hang out for the weekend?

Gwen Ernst said...

I have done that many a time, too, Jill...just turned the music off altogether and basked in the silence.

You bet. I wish we weren't 18 hours away in distance and instead, you lived right down the road. Then you'd have to kick me out of your house. =)

Gwen Ernst said...
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Rebecca Rebilas said...

Oh Gwen, I've had more conversations about poop, farts, burps, and the "P" word than I'd like to recount! There was one day that Sam was just fixated on the P word and was telling me who had a P and who didn't have a P. Really?! Still?

Then I heard today, "Mom, Sam pee'd on the wall." Ugh! Aim sons... aim! I will be cleaning the bathrooms as soon as they leave for Ohio and before you and your fam arrive!! Don't be surprised if there are no rugs in there yet as I will probably be washing them... again! LOL